Best Credit Cards to Pay Rent
Do you look for the best credit cards to pay rent to get best rewards? Paying rent by credit card has been one of the quickest ways to reach spend waivers and earn rewards. Unfortunately due to misuse, many banks have capped rewards on rent payment transactions. But, there are still many cards that offer good rewards on rent payment transactions.
Below are the cards that offer the best rewards
Standard Chartered Ultimate Credit Card
The Standard Chartered Ultimate is a great option to get 2% rewards on rent payments. For the Ultimate card, we get 1 RP = Rs 1 for GV redemption. The Ultimate credit card does not have any cap on the reward points.
- Rewards on rent payment: 2%
- Cap on rent payment rewards: None
- Processing fee on rent payments: 1%+GST
Axis Bank Magnus Credit Card
The Axis Bank Magnus credit card has a base reward 4.8% for airmiles. It does not make sense to use Magnus for rent payment. But, this is still an option for paying rent to earn airmiles.
- Rewards on rent payment: 1.2% (voucher redemption) to 4.8% (points transfer)
- Cap on rent payment rewards: Only for rent payments up to Rs 50000 per month
- Processing fee on rent payments: 1%+GST
Club Vistara SBI Card Prime
Pay rent on the card and hit the milestone, and you get the complimentary ticket.
- Rewards on rent payment: 4 CV points/Rs 200
- Cap on rent payment rewards: None
- Processing fee on rent payments: Rs 199 plus GST
Axis Bank Reserve Credit Card
Do not get the Reserve credit card to make rent payments but this is a good option if you already have it.
- Rewards on rent payment: 1.5% (voucher redemption) to 6%(points transfer)
- Cap on rent payment rewards: Only for rent payments up to Rs 1 Lakh per month
- Processing fee on rent payments: 1%+GST
Standard Chartered Smart Credit Card
Almost all cashback credit cards have now stopped cashback for rent payment. But, the SC Smart credit card still gives us 2% cashback for rent payments.
- Rewards on rent payment: 2%
- Cap on rent payment rewards: None
- Processing fee on rent payments: 1%+GST