WhatsApp Banking: What to expect from HDFC, IndusInd & ICICI Bank

Banking has evolved a lot in past 10 years from branch banking to Online Banking, SMS Banking, Mobile (App) Banking etc and now the new trend is WhatsApp Banking.

While not all banks have WhatsApp banking services for now, only HDFC, ICICI & Indusind have these services enabled for their customers. Let’s see what they can help us with. Here we go,

ICICI Whatsapp Banking

  • ICICI Whatsapp banking Number: +919324953001‬ (New no: 8640086400)

ICICI Bank is the recent one to introduce Whatsapp Banking to their customers. Without any expectations, I stated testing random queries and to my surprise, they have implemented this AMAZINGLY well.

From checking balance/mini stmt of Savings ac to checking basic details of Credit cards, you can do all of that via ICICI Bank’s Whatsapp banking service.

Infact they have designed a nice and simple tile design for credit card related requests. That’s great attention to small details. Here are some requests I did and their auto-bot responses:

Indusind Whatsapp Banking

  • Indusind Whatsapp Banking Number: +91-22-44066666

If I’m not wrong, IndusInd was the first to launch whatsapp banking service as I remember testing it a while ago.

This one is more of chat type but is restricted to only savings a/c and nothing related to Credit card is active at the moment.

Here are some results to my queries.

HDFC Whatsapp Banking

  • HDFC Whatsapp Banking Number: +91-7065970659‬

With a very high expectation, I recently tested the HDFC Whatsapp banking service and I was disappointed that it serves more like a google search instead of any useful user specific answers.

Except the EMI loan eligibility on Debit card, most other queries simply throws your answers with links.

It could be useful for some, but rather it would be amazing if it shows details of accounts & credit cards in real-time just like what ICICI have done.

Update: Now I see Kotak too has enabled WhatsApp Banking services for their customers.

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